About TVMC

Where is the venue for the TVMC 2024?

The University of Texas at Dallas, Davidson-Gundy Alumni Center, 800 W. Campbell Road, DGA 10,

Richardson, TX 75080


Where can I stay? Is there a conference hotel?

There is! We have a block of rooms at Aloft Richardson, 1160 State Street in Richardson.


Is there a shuttle from the hotel to the conference venue?

There is and it is FREE! ALOFT will run a 15 passenger free shuttle service from 7 am – 5:30 pm on conference days.

What if I cannot attend in person? Is there an online option?

There is an option for virtual only on registration. Please attend online if you can’t make it in person. Virtual sessions will be recorded.

Do I have to be a Texas resident or live in Texas to attend?

Absolutely not! Come join us in person or virtually from anywhere!

Where and when do I check in?

Check in will be from 8am – 9am on Thursday, October 10th at the venue. There will be volunteers directing conference participants to tables to help get you checked in.

Where should I park?

We will have a parking map provided soon.

What time is the conference?

Conference sessions are from 10:15 am – 11:15, 1:15 pm – 2:15 pm, 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm each day.

There will be a Fireside Chat on Thursday from 11:30 am – 1 pm during lunch. There will be a Keynote speaker on Friday from 11:30 am – 1 pm during lunch.

How long are the sessions?

Sessions are one hour long to provide ample time for Q&A.

If I attend online, how long will I have access to the sessions?

You will have 2 months from the conference weekend to watch sessions.

What if I have issues joining the online sessions?

We will have contact information available and posted to assist with any technical difficulties.

What if I register and am unable to attend? Are there refunds?

If you cancel up to 7 days prior for the in person conference option, a refund will be issued. However, there are no refunds available for the online conference option as sessions will be available to you to watch any time over the next two months.

Are there any discounts for Americorp participants or students?

Yes! You would just need to let us know in which Americorp program you are serving. Students would need to verify with a university/college email account. The cost for either is $50 for the conference so a great savings for you!

What if I have special dietary requirements or allergies? Will I still be able to eat the food provided?

We will have clear labels and options for those with dietary requirements or allergies.

What will the weather be like at conference time?

What a great question! Texas in October could range from a lovely 80 to a bit warmer 90+. You will not need a parka.

Is there a dress code?

Please dress comfortably and professionally.

Awesome session, so glad I was able to attend. Thank you for offering your amazing webinar sessions for free … allowing more leaders of volunteers to attend during these challenging times!