TVMC Speakers

2024 TVMC Schedule

In Person Schedule

Thursday, October 10

Check in and networking

8:00 am – 9:00 am

Welcome and Breakfast – Main Ballroom – by Hillman Evans

9 am – 10 am

Breakout Session #1

Session A – 10:15 am – 11:15 am

  • Retain Don’t Recruit by Elizabeth Rachchh

“Retain, Don’t Recruit” focuses on boosting volunteer retention. Discover the costs of turnover and gain strategies like appreciation and targeted training to build resilient, impactful volunteer programs.

Session B – 10:15 am – 11:15 am

  • It’s Not Just About the Hours: How to Communicate Impact Beyond the Basics by Rebecca Hand

In this session, we will explore Buckner Children and Family Services’ unique model for measuring the success of volunteer programs and linking volunteer efforts to lives impacted. Attendees will leave with actionable tools to use when monitoring their program’s effectiveness and how to communicate that impact to different audiences.

Session C – 10:15 am – 11:15 am

  • Are You a Change Ready Leader? by Kelly Furnas

This workshop focuses on how managers handle change, not just how they lead teams through it. Participants will explore the four stages of change, assess their own readiness, and learn how to improve the seven key traits for adapting effectively. Perfect for leaders guiding teams through evolving environments.

Lunch and Fireside Chat – Main Ballroom

11:30 am – 1:00 pm

We are thrilled to announce two panels of fireside chat style conversations. We have prepared a group of phenomenal individuals at the top levels when it comes to discussing the latest trends, challenges, and strategies regarding volunteerism. These interactive sessions, designed to develop engagement and participation, are being held to provide attendees with valuable insight into effective volunteer engagement, retention, and new innovations in volunteer programs.

The panelists will share their first-hand experiences in various areas of occupation such as corporate, education, nonprofit, and government. We look forward to engaging with you all, answering questions, and learning new strategies. Come ready to learn something new from the TVMC duo fireside chat!

Breakout Session #2

Session A – 1:15 pm – 2:15 pm

  • Navigating Challenging Volunteer Dynamics with Confidence and Grace by Betsy McFarland

Leading volunteers can be rewarding but challenging, especially when difficult issues arise. This workshop offers strategies to handle conflicts and foster a positive team atmosphere. Participants will learn to recognize and address problems early, using techniques for courageous conversations. Whether you’re experienced or new, this session will boost your confidence in managing volunteer relationships.

Session B – 1:15 pm – 2:15 pm

  • Empowering Youth Leadership: Strategies to Foster the Next Generation of Changemakers by Taylor Moody

This session focuses on equipping adults with the strategies and tools necessary to support and develop youth leaders. Participants will explore practical approaches, engage in interactive discussions, and examine case studies to better empower young people to create dynamic impact through volunteerism.

Session C – 1:15 pm – 2:15 pm

  • Engaging the Latino Community by Dominica McCarthy and Veronica Villegas

The Latino community is crucial for volunteer organizations but presents challenges due to language and cultural differences. Join us to learn how a major US volunteer organization engages Latino communities. Gain insights from leaders, participate in discussions, and leave with actionable strategies to improve volunteer engagement in your own organization.

Breakout Session #3

Session A – 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

  • Finding Your Voice by Carol Ayars

Struggling to explain your role and the impact of your volunteers? This workshop offers practical tips to confidently share your work and your volunteers’ contributions. Design and practice your “elevator pitch” to effectively communicate your passion and impact.

Session B – 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

  • Use Me! Utilizing Skilled Volunteers Through Corporate Partnerships by Jordanya Reeves

Companies are discovering the power of skilled volunteering to drive community impact and enhance employee skills. This dynamic workshop explores exciting Corporate Social Responsibility programs, featuring TD Bank’s innovative TD Mindpower: Analytics for Social Good. Join us to learn how to leverage skilled volunteers for meaningful community engagement and transform your approach to corporate giving.

Session C – 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

  • Protecting Your Organization Through Effective Volunteer Waivers and Policies by Stacey Cormican

Learn how your organization can avoid lawsuits and liability by using effective liability and publicity waivers, volunteer job descriptions and agreements, and training on whistleblower and anti-harassment policies. Attendees will receive copies of model waivers, agreements and policies.

Wrap Up by Jamila Thomas

3:45 pm – 4:15 pm

Networking Sip & Chat Event – Off site, location TBD, RSVP coming soon

6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Friday, October 11

Welcome and Breakfast – Main Ballroom by Hillman Evans

9 am – 10 am

Breakout Session #1

Session A – 10:15 am – 11:15 am

  • Designing Self-Directed Volunteer Groups by Jeanie Ziegler

Empowering your volunteers offers a win-win scenario for all. Join me as we discuss several examples of self-directed volunteer group models, exploring the benefits and challenges along the way. Volunteers who work on behalf of our Foundation create opportunities to sell books raising over $100,000 annually. Other volunteers create a team to enhance our Lifestyle Enrichment Group, visiting 27 Care Communities over a 2-month time period.

Session B – 10:15 am – 11:15 am

  • What I Wish I Knew Before Becoming a Volunteer Coordinator by Cindy Averitt

When a healthcare organization starts or revamps a volunteer program, challenges frequently arise. In this lighthearted workshop, six common, and often humorous, challenges are examined. The attendees are asked to participate as we discuss ideas to help us navigate the wonderful world of healthcare volunteer programming!

The Challenges – Some Top Leaders May Not be On Board – Volunteers Cannot Help Staff Due to Access Constraints – Some Staff Do Not Want Help – People Practically Run From You When you Say the “V” Word – Potential Volunteers say, “I have to do WHAT before I can start?” – Volunteers want “Important” work?

Session C – 10:15 am – 11:15 am

  • AI Solutions for Volunteer Engagement by Keshia Bruno

This session will highlight how Junior Achievement of Dallas has incorporated AI technology to combat volunteer shortages needed to serve over 100,000 students. The implementation of an AI program has allowed us to continue to meet the needs of our students without the physical presence of volunteers.

Lunch and Keynote – Main Ballroom with Amber Melanie Smith

11:30 am – 1:00 pm

Amber Melanie Smith is a speaker, award-winning nonprofit founder, and social entrepreneur. Through a growing online community of change makers, speaking, and educational content, Amber helps people create their roadmap to a life and career that creates positive social change.

Breakout Session #2

Session A – 1:15 pm – 2:15 pm

  • So Tell Me About Yourself by Melanie Scarpace

Managing volunteers can be challenging, but clear roles and expectations help. Effective interviews and background checks are crucial for those working with vulnerable populations. By asking the right questions and matching volunteers to suitable roles, coordinators reduce management issues and build a dedicated, mission-driven team.

Session B – 1:15 pm – 2:15 pm

  • Weaving Change without Creating Division by Stephanie Canfield

What change do you want to create? How can you inspire urgency and share a vision while aligning different goals? In this session, learn proven strategies for leading change, develop a step-by-step process for your program, and build a solid strategy for your organization’s volunteer team and the future of volunteer management.

Session C – 1:15 pm – 2:15 pm

  • Creating a Sense of Belonging through Volunteer Engagement by Sydney Mahnken

This dynamic workshop session will teach the attendees the importance of volunteer engagement and how to create a sense of belonging in a volunteer program. The session will describe my personal philosophy about creating and maintaining a sense of belonging while also giving back. Included in the session will be table talk sharing and engagement, tips and tricks learned through the years, ways to create a program that encourages community and fosters the love of giving back.

Breakout Session #3

Session A – 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

  • Unleash Impact: The Power of the 3Rs by Lindsey Payne

The 3Rs of volunteer management—Recruitment, Retention, and Recognition—are crucial for a strong volunteer network. This session covers strategies for attracting dedicated volunteers, creating fulfilling experiences, and using recognition to boost morale. With real-world examples and interactive discussions, you’ll gain actionable insights to build and sustain a vibrant volunteer community.

Session B – 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

  • The Power of Letting Go – Foster More Robust and Self-Sustaining Programs by Christine Mompoint

This Gen Z-led workshop highlights the Houston Food Bank’s student-led program to show effective volunteer empowerment. Learn about leadership, clear roles, and incentives, and address accountability, reassignment, and selection issues to strengthen your volunteer programs.

Session C – 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm

  • RESET: How to Build the Foundation for Next Level Impact by Philipa Williams

RESET stands for Responsibility, Effectiveness, Sustainability, Efficiency, and Tension—key elements that, when aligned, can significantly enhance your organization’s performance. This model emphasizes a mindset shift towards engaged stewardship and strategic foresight, ensuring that sustainability and efficiency are not just buzzwords but integral parts of your mission-driven infrastructure. Discover how to turn the tension that limits the work into opportunities for growth. Utilize key strategies for impactful outreach and service. Gain practical tools and actionable takeaways that will lead your nonprofit towards a future of remarkable impact and enduring success.

Wrap Up by Jamila Thomas

3:45 pm – 4:15 pm

The speaker was amazing, extremely knowledgeable, knew how to keep the audience’s attention and gave a lot of very valuable information in a very well presented and fun manner!